Monday, August 11, 2008

Is India Going The Taliban Way ??

There is turmoil in the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir for a piece of land and we humans have such great influence of our stupid egos that we have forgotten the importance of human lives..... and i wonder sometimes Is INDIA going taliban way???
Why cant we just let the law take its course and decide what is the best possible solution be it Babri Masjid, Ram Sethu or the Amarnath land transfer. Why aren't we be able to figure out that individual development is the basis for the nation to develop....

Going back to what i meant by ' going the Taliban way' is that we have been witnessing the initial turmoil in Kashmir valley over land transfer issue ( let me tell you the yatra is on its normal course regardless of the disturbance ). India as well the international media appreciated the efforts made by the locals to make sure that the yatris had a comfortable time in the valley. But after the recent bandh in jammu things looked grim again .. what saddens me is the approach by a main stream National party which supported this movement and made sure that the only road that goes to the valley has been shut, its a possible economic blockage and one of the leaders went on air saying that the people of Kashmir should actually starve... what an insane statement from someone who might come to power tomorrow and rule the most populous democracy of the world.... Parties like Amaranth Bachao Sandholan have even labeled people like Dr Farooq Abdullah and Ms Mufti as agents of Pakistan, irrespective of the fact that these people have actually been targeted number of times for being pro India .... Rightly said that they have batted for India for the last 60 years and finally been left out of the playing eleven...

Looking at the statements issued by ABS.... they are so rigid in what they are saying that I feel if they come to power, then India a country proud to be a democracy will have no option other than going the taliban way where the streets would echo with the sounds of gun fire and life would be a desperate struggle against the brutality of religious maniacs....


Shahid Nissar said...

gud job..

khan said...

great peice of observation...i think its tym fr us as a whole to stand up n say no to religous fanaticism which is increasingly takin control of our lifes

Unknown said...

its all abt money.............honey.
politicians hv vested interest.........

Unknown said...

i wld just say wel done bro.....u hve made me feel proud........

Hazic said...

also read dis

wahab said...

gud work bro...keep it up !

Unknown said...

Hmmmm.. I read a book called The Kite Runner..!! It was talks bout TALIBAN..!! tht was the first i really got to know wat they actually are. It is in a way true when u say Is INDIa goin the taliban way..?!! Human life has become sumthin which has no value. It breaks my hurt to see all tht happend in Kashmir.
And i must say u have put ur sentiments in words for ur homeland in a greatt way.