Sunday, January 24, 2010

25th jan 2010


It been long since i posted last.... there is a change in the person who wrote the last post and the new one.... its been more than a year of my sabatal... i was out of bonds and reach from everyone, just went through a downturn in my life which helped me to find myslf... some one who now truly belives in GOD and can say behaves like a pious Muslim but not one of those who belive in hatred. i jsut try to and want to live mylife on the guidelines given to the mankind by Prophit Mohammad (PBOH), where every things is based on love and respect of mankind.

While in business school i followed the mantra of rat race, good grads, A++ placements, gr8 job, business class travel , five star hotels was where i wanted to see myslf and i finally started living my dream.... salary started increasing so did my asperations, everyone around seems to be part of the same... have you ever flied del - mumbai in a morning flight you will see people dressed in formals running for there lives and you might find them again while coming back at the night... so i finally realised what are we living for?? are all of us a part of a big rat race.... is this what we came to this world for?, can anyone of us say that we enjoy doing it... its just the greed for big and better which makes us do it... what guarantee is that one we hve big and better this geed will die down. i finally realsied that this dosnt have an end.... I shoked my bosses with my resignation and went to a journey to discover myslf... went ahead and wanted to do whtat i started beliving in and soon realsied that even to know ones own self this life of 60 - 70 yrs is short enough, then i heard somone saying that a true MUSLIM should belive in life after Death, and the beliver has to surreneder himslef to Allah and the sunnah of Prohit (PBOH).

so just stay quite and think...... WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US AFTER DEATH, AND ARE WE PREPARED FOR IT???

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Where are we heading....

Writing a blog is indeed a tough job !! i have been busy and thus almost forgotten that i had started to write a blog ... i would not have realsied until i found something is missing.. Writing is a profession for a writer but for me i have to sit at the airports to fund my living, i finally realsied that i spend more time at an airport than in a movie theater.!but thats how its.. being a marketer sounds like a street dog, who runs here and there looking for a potential avenues....

Life - the most important aspect of human existence has lost it true meaning, on one hand we talk about measures which will make this world a better place to live and on the other we witness destruction every where.... Serial Bomb Blast in Delhi, followed by a suicide bombing at a 5 star hotel in Pakistan, followed by one more blast in Delhi, followed by rape on a nun in orrisa, and the list go on...... Kashmir, Orrisa, Assam , West Bengal and the name of the states is endless....... Indian once again is witnessing a communal violence but who is to be blamed, the simple feeling i get is that the elections are around ?? sounds funny but its true. we still haven't realsied that we are been used by so called dirty politicians to make sure that they come in the power and enjoy and live in the trance they always wanted...

I was reading the newspaper this morning and i got to read the most shocking news of all time... Hindu fanatics raped a Hindu girl ( who was working in a Cristian orphanage to fund her studies, but was Hindu by her religious practices ), Muslim fanatics plant bombs and even Muslims were killed in Delhi blasts , the point what am trying to prove is that these people who claim to be the messenger of God are actually mentally ill people who just work for themselves and have insulted the teaching and belief of there respective Gods... Time an again humans are torchered , houses burnt, women raped and children's killed on the name of Religion but lets stand up and say No to this for one and all..... because someone has to put an end to this and lets all understand a universal fact that No Religion teaches to kill and No religion is above the Religion of humanity...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Fight is still on....

I am just back from NDTV's office, was invited there as an audience on the big fight... i have been there before when i was in college but this time it was me who wanted to go and understand how serious the matter is or How simple is it to sit in an air conditioned set in Delhi and try to figure out what's happening in Kashmir.......

I was very impressed with the audience as I very well figured out that no common man in India wants to fight and fighting on the name of religion is out of question. but what saddens me is the approach by Amaranth Sandholan Smithi ... they seem to be confused about there demands ... Is it the Land ?? Is it that they want a separate State ? or Is it that they feel that Jammu has always been ignored over Kashmir, and i guess that they have realised that this is the right time to strike back and prove there Pro-India stand keeping in mind that BJP will supports there cause been a pro Hindu or religious based political party. But what benefit does BJP get out of it ?? and the simple answer is there much needed presence in Jammu and Kashmir...

Every one in India and across the world condemns lose of Innocent human lives and so do I... but how Do we describe killing of innocent people in Kashmir??.... I guarantee you that if the fight is on a piece of land then i will make sure that the Amaranth shrine board gets the land but yes let them promise me one thing and the promise is that No Innocent Kashmiri will be killed by Indian forces anymore, No house will be burned by Indian forces anymore, No Kashmiri women would be raped by Indian Force anymore, No Children would be burnt alive by Indian forces and NO Innocent Kashmiri would be beaten to death by the Indian Forces anymore... You promise me this and take what ever you want, We Kashmiri's want to live a peaceful life and don't we deserve that?? Keep you hand on your heart and tell me what possible inhuman measures have not been taken by Indian forces to unrest the Innocent people of Kashmir.... Finally, I would say that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, so i appeal to all who are reading this blog to get out of your comfort zone and think what best we can do to create a harmless and safe environment for the generations to come....

please feel free to comment

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I liked these lines...

cI am a kashmiri, its my crime.....
"I am a Muslim" kill me and call it "COLLATERAL DAMAGE"
imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURES"
exile my people and masses and call it"NEW MIDDLE EAST"
Rob my resources, Invade my land, Alter my leadership and call it "DEMOCRACY"I deserve to be humilated. I deserve to be harrsed. I deserve to be mauled. I deserve to be killed. Just becuase " I AM A KASHMIRI"
I demand my rights, it is my crime. I demand my dignity, it is my crime. I demand life, it is my crime. I am a KASHMIRI, it is my crime. but i am proud of commiting this crime.I want to live, but a living life. Not a dead man's life. I can die struggling for justic rather than giving it up and living.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Is India Going The Taliban Way ??

There is turmoil in the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir for a piece of land and we humans have such great influence of our stupid egos that we have forgotten the importance of human lives..... and i wonder sometimes Is INDIA going taliban way???
Why cant we just let the law take its course and decide what is the best possible solution be it Babri Masjid, Ram Sethu or the Amarnath land transfer. Why aren't we be able to figure out that individual development is the basis for the nation to develop....

Going back to what i meant by ' going the Taliban way' is that we have been witnessing the initial turmoil in Kashmir valley over land transfer issue ( let me tell you the yatra is on its normal course regardless of the disturbance ). India as well the international media appreciated the efforts made by the locals to make sure that the yatris had a comfortable time in the valley. But after the recent bandh in jammu things looked grim again .. what saddens me is the approach by a main stream National party which supported this movement and made sure that the only road that goes to the valley has been shut, its a possible economic blockage and one of the leaders went on air saying that the people of Kashmir should actually starve... what an insane statement from someone who might come to power tomorrow and rule the most populous democracy of the world.... Parties like Amaranth Bachao Sandholan have even labeled people like Dr Farooq Abdullah and Ms Mufti as agents of Pakistan, irrespective of the fact that these people have actually been targeted number of times for being pro India .... Rightly said that they have batted for India for the last 60 years and finally been left out of the playing eleven...

Looking at the statements issued by ABS.... they are so rigid in what they are saying that I feel if they come to power, then India a country proud to be a democracy will have no option other than going the taliban way where the streets would echo with the sounds of gun fire and life would be a desperate struggle against the brutality of religious maniacs....