Sunday, October 5, 2008

Where are we heading....

Writing a blog is indeed a tough job !! i have been busy and thus almost forgotten that i had started to write a blog ... i would not have realsied until i found something is missing.. Writing is a profession for a writer but for me i have to sit at the airports to fund my living, i finally realsied that i spend more time at an airport than in a movie theater.!but thats how its.. being a marketer sounds like a street dog, who runs here and there looking for a potential avenues....

Life - the most important aspect of human existence has lost it true meaning, on one hand we talk about measures which will make this world a better place to live and on the other we witness destruction every where.... Serial Bomb Blast in Delhi, followed by a suicide bombing at a 5 star hotel in Pakistan, followed by one more blast in Delhi, followed by rape on a nun in orrisa, and the list go on...... Kashmir, Orrisa, Assam , West Bengal and the name of the states is endless....... Indian once again is witnessing a communal violence but who is to be blamed, the simple feeling i get is that the elections are around ?? sounds funny but its true. we still haven't realsied that we are been used by so called dirty politicians to make sure that they come in the power and enjoy and live in the trance they always wanted...

I was reading the newspaper this morning and i got to read the most shocking news of all time... Hindu fanatics raped a Hindu girl ( who was working in a Cristian orphanage to fund her studies, but was Hindu by her religious practices ), Muslim fanatics plant bombs and even Muslims were killed in Delhi blasts , the point what am trying to prove is that these people who claim to be the messenger of God are actually mentally ill people who just work for themselves and have insulted the teaching and belief of there respective Gods... Time an again humans are torchered , houses burnt, women raped and children's killed on the name of Religion but lets stand up and say No to this for one and all..... because someone has to put an end to this and lets all understand a universal fact that No Religion teaches to kill and No religion is above the Religion of humanity...


sarah said...


kashmir the burning paradise said...

salam....well its the paradox of indian democrazy...its all bcoz of dirty politics...jst gt thru ur orky profile seems u being the alumni of iipm....