Sunday, January 24, 2010

25th jan 2010


It been long since i posted last.... there is a change in the person who wrote the last post and the new one.... its been more than a year of my sabatal... i was out of bonds and reach from everyone, just went through a downturn in my life which helped me to find myslf... some one who now truly belives in GOD and can say behaves like a pious Muslim but not one of those who belive in hatred. i jsut try to and want to live mylife on the guidelines given to the mankind by Prophit Mohammad (PBOH), where every things is based on love and respect of mankind.

While in business school i followed the mantra of rat race, good grads, A++ placements, gr8 job, business class travel , five star hotels was where i wanted to see myslf and i finally started living my dream.... salary started increasing so did my asperations, everyone around seems to be part of the same... have you ever flied del - mumbai in a morning flight you will see people dressed in formals running for there lives and you might find them again while coming back at the night... so i finally realised what are we living for?? are all of us a part of a big rat race.... is this what we came to this world for?, can anyone of us say that we enjoy doing it... its just the greed for big and better which makes us do it... what guarantee is that one we hve big and better this geed will die down. i finally realsied that this dosnt have an end.... I shoked my bosses with my resignation and went to a journey to discover myslf... went ahead and wanted to do whtat i started beliving in and soon realsied that even to know ones own self this life of 60 - 70 yrs is short enough, then i heard somone saying that a true MUSLIM should belive in life after Death, and the beliver has to surreneder himslef to Allah and the sunnah of Prohit (PBOH).

so just stay quite and think...... WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US AFTER DEATH, AND ARE WE PREPARED FOR IT???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice,,,,,i like ua attitude towards life tha s wat v muslims should keep,,,,,,,,,m proud tha u belong 2 sopore...........