Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Fight is still on....

I am just back from NDTV's office, was invited there as an audience on the big fight... i have been there before when i was in college but this time it was me who wanted to go and understand how serious the matter is or How simple is it to sit in an air conditioned set in Delhi and try to figure out what's happening in Kashmir.......

I was very impressed with the audience as I very well figured out that no common man in India wants to fight and fighting on the name of religion is out of question. but what saddens me is the approach by Amaranth Sandholan Smithi ... they seem to be confused about there demands ... Is it the Land ?? Is it that they want a separate State ? or Is it that they feel that Jammu has always been ignored over Kashmir, and i guess that they have realised that this is the right time to strike back and prove there Pro-India stand keeping in mind that BJP will supports there cause been a pro Hindu or religious based political party. But what benefit does BJP get out of it ?? and the simple answer is there much needed presence in Jammu and Kashmir...

Every one in India and across the world condemns lose of Innocent human lives and so do I... but how Do we describe killing of innocent people in Kashmir??.... I guarantee you that if the fight is on a piece of land then i will make sure that the Amaranth shrine board gets the land but yes let them promise me one thing and the promise is that No Innocent Kashmiri will be killed by Indian forces anymore, No house will be burned by Indian forces anymore, No Kashmiri women would be raped by Indian Force anymore, No Children would be burnt alive by Indian forces and NO Innocent Kashmiri would be beaten to death by the Indian Forces anymore... You promise me this and take what ever you want, We Kashmiri's want to live a peaceful life and don't we deserve that?? Keep you hand on your heart and tell me what possible inhuman measures have not been taken by Indian forces to unrest the Innocent people of Kashmir.... Finally, I would say that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, so i appeal to all who are reading this blog to get out of your comfort zone and think what best we can do to create a harmless and safe environment for the generations to come....

please feel free to comment


Unknown said...

nice one dude
way to go
keep it up

Invisible said...

really..its all a madness...wonder y the supposed sane politicians make a right move....

Unknown said...

nice one..keep up the good work...

Afaq said...

keep it up mate
anyways hooos blog u jotted down

Sameer Bhat said...

Hey hey...nice attempt.
I never knew you could articulate ur views so nicely. We have a closeted writer here.

Keep up the good work.
God bless